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Me, the Sheep - Best Easter Bunny Ever!

The first picture story of the Easter sheep to color out and read aloud. 
Also available in German. For kids aged 5-8.

Cover of "Me, the Sheep" - Book 1
Cover of „Me, the Sheep“ – Book 1

Dream job "Easter bunny" At least for the sheep.

But how can a sheep become an Easter bunny?
With a little trick, it sneaks into the Easter bunny school.
Wouldn’t you give anything to learn how to paint eggs? Unfortunately, something goes wrong – but, as the saying goes, there is a solution hidden in every problem

This funny Easter picture book is nice to read together or as a bedtime story. It is even more beautiful when colored in by your kids. Each page spread has some text in easy-to-read language on the left and a hand-drawn illustration on the right.
For children from about 5 – 8 years. 

| Me, the Sheep – Best Easter Bunny Ever!
| A picture story, coloring book and fun read
| for kids between 5-8
| 40 pages, 26 x 20 cm 
| 20 fullpage black-and-white illustrations 
| paperback 6,90 € 

Click here >> for the german edition.

Me, the Sheep - Book Number 1 Becoming the best Easter bunny ever

What does a sheep dream of at Easter time? Watching all those happy kids collecting eggs, of course it wants to be an Easter bunny. And it has a great idea how to get into the Easter Bunny School – because only there you can become a real Easter Bunny.

Sketch for the Easter Bunny School
Sketch for the Easter Bunny School

Some Easter bunnies are still skeptical, but as a sheep you know how to tell a good story.

Sketch for the sheep in the Easter Bunny School
Sketch for the sheep in the Easter Bunny School

Finally, it’s time to deliver the eggs. Unfortunately, the path is quite rocky. The sheep is struggling and then …

Sketch for the sheep with its egg basket
Sketch for the sheep with its egg basket

But you can read that for yourself, the happy ending. 
I think: Our wishes make us grow. Even as a sheep. 

Meet the sheep? Have a look inside the book on Amazon.

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